(a) |
Construct a visual representation of the diversity of landscapes and landforms throughout Saskatchewan, including those that have significance for First Nations and Métis people. |
(b) |
Examine the effects of natural phenomena (e.g., tidal wave, flash flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, mud slide, forest fire, avalanche, and meteor impact) that cause rapid and significant changes to the landscape. |
(c) |
Explain how rocks can be classified as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic based on the processes by which they form. |
(d) |
Discuss practices and techniques (e.g., mulching, crop rotation, strip farming, windbreaks, terracing, and sediment basins) for minimizing and controlling erosion locally and in communities around the world. |
(e) |
Design and construct a prototype of a system for minimizing and controlling gravitational, water, shoreline, ice, or wind erosion in a given situation. |
(f) |
Evaluate both a prototype of a personally constructed system for minimizing and controlling erosion and the use of prototypes in science for modelling natural phenomena. |
(g) |
Describe possible short- and long-term effects of wind, water, and ice on local, national, and global landscapes (e.g., sandy beaches, coastline erosion, rounded rock formations, sand dunes, river deltas, glacial deposits, and cracks in rocks). |
(h) |
Predict the effects of weathering on various landforms (e.g., butte, cliff, cave, valley, river, waterfall, and beach) in Saskatchewan. |
(i) |
Suggest explanations of how soils form from rocks, including the roles of wind, water, and biological processes (e.g., decomposition of plant and animal matter, and growth of plant roots play) over time. |
(j) |
Create models of different types (e.g., amber, imprint, cast, and mould) of plant and animal fossils. |
(k) |
Discuss how fossils and the fossil record provide evidence of Earth's history, including the formation of various landforms. |
(l) |
Predict the types of plant or animal fossils that would be found in Saskatchewan landforms in the past, present, and future. |
(m) |
Explain how scientists develop explanations of natural phenomena based on observations and data. |
(n) |
Pose new questions about Saskatchewan landforms based on what was learned. |

The book includes many photographs of various sand types and a table of contents.