(a) |
Differentiate between natural (e.g., fire, sun, star, lightning, aurorae, fireflies, and bioluminescent fungi) and artificial (e.g., light bulb, street light, glow stick, LED, tanning lamp, and laser) sources of light in the environment. |
(b) |
Examine relationships between the light energy and heat energy emitted from light sources. |
(c) |
Examine the significance of light in First Nations and Métis stories, legends, and spirituality, including the role of fire, lightning, aurorae, and Thunderbird. |
(d) |
Investigate the characteristics of light beams in air and water, including determining that light travels in straight lines, that light travels away from a source in all directions, and that light beams may change direction upon entering or leaving water. |
(e) |
Distinguish, through observation, between objects that emit their own light (e.g., sun, glow stick, match, star, and light bulb) and those that reflect light from another source (e.g., moon, mirror, paper, clothing, and roadways). |
(f) |
Identify positive (e.g., increased vitamin D production, happiness, and increased productivity) and negative (e.g., sunburn, skin cancer, and light pollution) consequences of exposure to natural and artificial sources of light. |
(g) |
Predict changes in a shadow's location, shape, and relative size when an object is placed in different positions and orientations relative to a light source and surface (e.g., flashlight and puppet, and overhead projector and screen). |
(h) |
Collaboratively plan and carry out a procedure to determine changes in a shadow's location, shape, and relative size when an object is placed in different positions and orientations relative to a light source and screen. |
(i) |
Record and communicate results of investigations of the characteristics and physical properties of light using formats suitable to the task. |

A light kit is enclosed with this book. It includes three colour gels (red, blue, yellow), three sheets of polarized film and one diffraction grating peephole.

At the bottom of each page is a highlighted term and a short definition. The book includes a table of contents and an index.