Activate self-advocacy and agency as an emerging artist by connecting with arts professionals, including First Nations and Métis.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Expand entrepreneurship skills by studying art as a business (e.g., copyright, insurance, income tax, art contracts, art dealers, and art suppliers).
(b) Explore and develop skills for pursuing a career in the arts within a work study, apprenticeship or mentorship experience (e.g., local artists, First Nations and Métis artists).
(c) Demonstrate awareness of post-secondary study in the arts and local and global career opportunities.
(d) Examine criteria used to determine the sale value of art and estimate the sale value of own artwork.
(e) Demonstrate agency and independence as an emerging artist by maintaining physical studio spaces that are safe and utilizing resources appropriately considering practices that respect the environment and minimize impact.
(f) Evaluate the financial and other supports (e.g., grants, exhibition space, marketing, community members) available to practicing artists.
(g) Create materials to market one’s skills (e.g., compose a résumé and artist statement).
(h) Create artist social media presence or website including posts of process, progress and final products.
(i) Investigate ways to apply visual art skills to careers that are seemingly unrelated to the arts.