Utilize creative and systematic investigations to critically analyze, interpret and respond to professional art, orally and in writing, across formats, styles, cultures and time periods.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Compare/contrast the function and social impact of selected works that explore similar topics.
(b) Utilize recognized critical analysis processes in addition to informal and personal approaches to examine how art reflects on and contributes to culture and society.
(c) Investigate how perspectives of diverse cultural groups, including Black, First Nations, Métis, and people of colour, are represented in their art forms.
(d) Reflect on the role of audience, critic and consumer by researching initial reactions of critics at the time selected work was produced and the response of the audience of the day in contrast to today’s audience.
(e) Deconstruct visual content within a range of works, created for a variety of purposes, to acquire lessons that can be applied to own work.
(f) Identify cultural, political, historical or spiritual factors affecting the work of several artists across disciplines or time periods.
(g) Assess the effect of viewing and deconstructing art on own perspectives, perceptions and biases.
(h) Study works to determine how artists conceptualize and communicate ideas and apply to own work.
(i) Select works to investigate from applied and commercial disciplines including traditional and emerging technologies and practices.
(j) Make connections to work studied and own creations.