Prepare and curate an exhibition of own work in a professional and collaborative manner.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Collaboratively research the changing role of the curator in diverse and inclusive institutions and communities.
(b) Discuss how contemporary curatorial work has evolved to include historically-excluded worldviews such as Indigenous, feminist and minorities.
(c) Describe a range of methods of, and purposes for, presenting art to the public.
(d) View various visual art exhibits in locations such as galleries, land-based environments, pop-ups and community centres, to analyze and discuss how the curated show tells a story.
(e) Consider how the public is involved in the exhibition and ways that artists engage viewers to reflect and respond to work.
(f) Identify the elements of a marketing strategy that are likely to generate interest in a student art exhibition.
(g) Engage in critical decision making to select and prepare own works for public display.
(h) Plan and develop one or more projects that showcase artwork with the local, school or online community.
(i) Identify and apply gallery conventions of mounting an exhibition such as signing works, matting works, framing works, selecting lighting, designing invitations and catalogues, writing an artist statement, handling and display of art pieces, use of signage, traffic flow patterns, promotion, disassembly and follow-up.
(j) Document exhibition with camera and ensure that digital images accurately represent the original works on display and format of the overall design of show.