Cultivate proficiency in manipulating visual, stylistic and conceptual conventions to solve a range of challenging art making investigations.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Use compositional and design strategies in a variety of ways to convey meaning and create visual interest.
(b) Accentuate personal style and voice when applying image development strategies.
(c) Take risks with elements of art, principles of design, and composition/design rules to work beyond the confines of those theories and increase visual impact.
(d) Use synectics as a tool to develop creative thinking strategies.
(e) Evaluate and make revisions to existing works to employ innovative or imaginative visual arrangements.
(f) Demonstrate a unique, personal voice while extending art works beyond common artistic clichés or exercises.
(g) Apply critical and creative thinking to define ways to work within and push the boundaries of artistic conventions.
(h) Research the philosophy of aesthetics and assess own work for the application of these principles.