Create original works inspired by artists of personal interest while maintaining own intentions and artistic vision.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Examine works of various personal, social, cultural and historical contexts recording inspirational aspects, visually or in writing, and define intentions for responding artistically to this work.
(b) Experiment with mashups, collages or mixed media works that demonstrate appropriately placing own work ‘in conversation’ with another artist or style.
(c) Evaluate own portfolio for instances of copying and revise derivative works by interpreting, stylizing, layering or abstracting to communicate own ideas in new ways.

Alter significantly several aspects of own work when referencing photographic, illustrative or other work that belongs to another artist using methods such as:

  • improvising a mashup of three works while exploring an idea of personal significance
  • referring to an inspiration file and sketchbook to alter and combine ideas in new ways.
(e) Research legal and ethical concerns in the context of intellectual, virtual and physical property influencing own work particularly when similarities to the work of others is intended.
(f) Discuss the concepts of ethics, authenticity and originality along with community norms and values related to art production and marketing, including online, in the context of contemporary art practices.
(g) Provide rationale for historical, cultural and stylistic references in own work and describe how personal experiences, interests and intentions are depicted in portfolio.
(h) Research plagiarism policies of universities, colleges, art schools and art programs.
(i) Create through multiple lenses, design strategies and perspectives to apply new ways of communicating own views.
(j) Respond knowledgeably and sensitively to the work of others with inventive interpretations to merge and mold to own style and message.