Research, plan, produce, analyze and resolve a series of works exploring, through independent inquiry, big ideas of personal significance.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Brainstorm big ideas for sustained investigation drawing on experiences, interests, visual culture and/or contemporary issues.
(b) Generate inquiry questions to guide own investigations.
(c) Plan and create works demonstrating personal artistic voice from direct observation, dreams, fantasies, inspirations, combinations of found references and own photographic compositions and designs.
(d) Strive for increasingly sophisticated and/or sensitive works that build on existing strengths while challenging current level of technical proficiency.
(e) Connect with artists, including Indigenous, to learn how they speculate, hypothesize, research, test, discover and experiment throughout their career.
(f) Articulate a clear planning, research, production and reflection process to develop a portfolio of work shaped through inquiry and the possibility of real-world applications.
(g) Exercise creative voice and critical decision making to convey an informed perspective and real-world application of selected inquiry.
(h) Evaluate and critique own art works, with input from peers and teacher, at various stages for technical success and relationship to selected inquiry.
(i) Research interdisciplinary connections along with cultural and historical examples, including Indigenous, that expand on selected investigation to determine how other disciplines or cultures might respond to same inquiry.