Research and discuss the business of art including supports offered by arts organizations.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Deepen understanding of gallery culture and community by visiting galleries and arts organizations and presenting career information to peers.
(b) Research artist associations and supporters of the arts (e.g., Sask Arts, SaskCulture, Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le front des artistes canadiens, Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Council, Canada Council), artists’ guilds, artist-run centres and arts education organizations (e.g., Canadian Society for Education through Art, National Art Education Association).
(c) Research the mandate of a gallery and investigate the roles of gallery personnel (e.g., curators, educators, conservators, director, communications office).
(d) Co-construct health and safety procedures for using shared studio spaces.
(e) Make community connections by meeting with local artists and/or business people to explore mentorship possibilities.
(f) Document and present learning and outline plans for continuing connections as a practicing artist.
(g) Reflect on experiences that will inform engagement and set the foundation for life-long learning in the arts.