Produce works that purposefully and creatively manipulate compositional and design strategies to express a point of view or communicate an idea.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Research varied methods of visual organization and stylistic approaches and their cultural influences including those used by Indigenous artists.
(b) Engage in a series of quick skill-building challenges to explore the effects of focusing on selected elements of art, principles of design and/or image development strategies.
(c) Use one or more of these preliminary works as starting points for a more extensive piece.
(d) Play with visual organization beyond implied boundaries of compositional rules (e.g., rule of thirds, rule of odds, rule of space, orientation, vantage point, geometry, focal point, rest areas) through directed studio practices.
(e) Build a collection of work demonstrating increasing technical skill and consistent trial and error in manipulating the elements of art, principles of design and image development strategies.