Regularly document and develop own creative process (e.g., inspiration, research, sketches, production, media skills, evaluation, refinement) up to and including completed works.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Describe stages of own creative process and compare them to those used by practicing artists from a variety of fields.
(b) Compile and photograph own creative products including methods for initiating new work through practice and research.
(c) Describe and record own distinctive way of approaching a creative task to develop understanding of strengths and weaknesses of that approach.
(d) Maintain a sketchbook or art journal containing initial sketches and drafts, research and reference work demonstrating persistence in skill development.

Explore and experiment with additional methods to foster a broader creative process, including for example:

  • flexibility with new media and technologies
  • fluency in observational work including life drawing
  • on-site art making during experiential field trips
  • responses to visual culture and personal environment.
(f) Compose own library of inspirational references, notations, artifacts, own photographs, media exploration, visual notes and other source materials inspired by surroundings, other artists and other disciplines.
(g) Research and co-create criteria for the selection, storage and display of portfolio items (e.g., documentation in digital and other formats of one’s creative process and products, depth and breadth of ideas, media and techniques represented).

Track own progress (e.g., new ideas, skills) and regularly record the development of work up to completion through well-composed photographs, including for example:

  • selecting and photographing completed works for submission to external agency or post-secondary institution meeting their criteria for submission
  • optimizing images for print, digital sharing, and/or display.
(i) Evaluate effectiveness of creative process in developing works that demonstrate active risk-taking and thoughtful revision.