Invent and adapt style variations in new works influenced by selected artists.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Investigate a wide range of artworks, including those from other disciplines, for the maker’s influences and present findings about artistic integrity for class discussion.
(b) Discuss artworks, along with possible controversy, that make use of appropriated imagery in the service of the artist’s intent.
(c) Examine emerging trends, alternative media and current technologies in art and reflect on how information from the past and present may be integrated in own exploration of recurring themes.
(d) Evaluate and apply methods to establish authenticity and avoid imitation such as making use of own photographs as source material, rendering imagery directly from life and using symbols or visual words to convey personal meaning.
(e) Discuss legal and ethical issues associated with art making and marketing (e.g., authorship, copyright, ownership, censorship, appropriation, use of responsible practices, respecting cultural/religious symbols or iconography).
(f) Research plagiarism policies of universities, colleges, art schools and art programs.
(g) Consult Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and artists to understand and develop respect for sacred imagery and practices of gifting learning.
(h) Play with styles and approaches, while building skills and investigating own ideas.
(i) Evaluate own portfolio for possible copyright infringement or the unethical use of the work of others, including using another medium to copy work, and refine or alter works as needed.
(j) Explain how portfolio pieces show own ideas and evidence of significant development in work inspired by the creative property of other artists maintaining reference citations or visual bibliography.