Conduct an in-depth inquiry investigating a consistent theme or idea within a body of work demonstrating insight into ways that artists create in order to learn.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Set inquiry goals and parameters with teacher guidance that foster strengths and allow the investigation to shift or extend.
(b) Initiate research by using art strategies, such as thumbnail sketches, annotated or illustrated text and maquettes, to explore, reveal and develop the inquiry.
(c) Establish and apply safe studio practices that respect the health and well-being of everyone sharing the space.
(d) Pursue varied responses to the inquiry, including storytelling through art, to demonstrate artistic competencies with concept, composition, execution and analysis.
(e) Extend the investigation through independent study that explores related and/or unexpected questions inspired by other disciplines.
(f) Reflect regularly on own portfolio and continue personal practice to develop artistic competencies, including pushing the boundaries of selected media.
(g) Critique work for a focused, emotive message, skillful use of select media and varied visual arrangements relating to a strong underlying visual idea.