Examine and play guitar music from a variety of cultural and historical contexts.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Interpret traditional and contemporary guitar music selections.
(b) Investigate historical information from a variety of cultural and historical contexts.
(c) Classify guitar music expressions from a variety of cultures and periods throughout history.
(d) Demonstrate particular genres of music in a stylistically appropriate manner (e.g., genres and styles such as rock, blues, country, bluegrass, folk, jazz, classical, fingerstyle, metal, Hawaiian slack key, Celtic, surf, funk, flamenco, r&b/soul, reggae/ska, Brazilian).
(e) Examine the evolution of the guitar as an instrument and its associated music considering the style, place and time period.
Celtic: Your Passport to a New World of Music
This book provides tools and techniques to play songs from the Celtic genre. The music is written in standard notation and tablature. Included is a recommended discography for further study as well as a CD recording of each song in the book.
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 29, 2022