Explore how civil laws regulate the daily lives of Canadians.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Analyze different situations (e.g., landlord-tenant agreements, terms of service agreements, warranties, mortgages, loans, online agreements) where legal contracts exist.
(b) Explore the characteristics and purpose of non-contractual legal documents (e.g., wills, power of attorney and health care directives) and the legislative alternatives when these are not in place or deemed invalid.
(c) Create scenarios that include the required elements (e.g., offer, acceptance, consideration) and potential invalidating factors (e.g., consent, capacity, duress, undue influence, mistake, misrepresentation, illegal contract, contrary to public policy) of a valid contract.
(d) Discuss the Consumer Protection Act (2013) and critique common consumer contracts to determine whose interests are being protected in the contract.
(e) Examine remedies available to both parties in situations where a contract has been breached.
(f) Assess instances when an individual should consult a lawyer for legal services related to civil law.
(g) Identify possible dangers of relying on non-professional legal advice.
(h) Recognize that a legal document from one jurisdiction may not be valid in another.

Examine employment standards and workplace rights and responsibilities in The Saskatchewan Employment Act (2013) such as:

  • occupational health and safety;
  • wage and pay;
  • work schedules;
  • vacations, public holidays, leave and absences;
  • employment standards in professions and industries;
  • human rights (e.g., harassment, pay equity); and,
  • regulation regarding notice of termination or dismissal.
PLEA’s Law 30 Resource Portal
This web portal created by Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan is designed to link Law 30 curricular outcomes and indicators to available PLEA resources.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 10, 2021
Who Are the Métis?
A board member from the Manitoba Métis Federation and the self-proclaimed Grand Chief of the Eastern Woodland Métis Nation of Nova Scotia highlight two perspectives on the complex issue of who is Métis.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 23, 2022
Family Law: Practices and Procedure (6th ed.)
This book explores topics such as marriage, annulment, divorce, custody, supports (child and spouse), property rights, and divorce procedures and is organized into 17 chapters. Some key terms are defined in the margins and bulleted points are used within paragraphs to help highlight key points.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $92.00
Record posted/updated: March 15, 2022
A Brief Introduction to Law in Canada
This resource examines the key processes and institutions of Canadian law. Also discussed are Canada's legal history, the Canadian Constitution, careers in law and the core categories of law, such as: property law, family law, business and consumer law, administrative law and criminal law.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $80.00
Record posted/updated: February 23, 2022
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Resource for Teachers
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner site provides information and resources to help youth navigate and understand how privacy impacts their individual choices and lives.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 22, 2021
Introduction to Law in Canada (2nd ed.)
This comprehensive textbook covers in depth the nature of law, common and civil law systems, Canada's Constitution, key subject areas in law and the legal profession. Chapter summaries, review questions, extension activities, case studies and colourful charts are included. Definitions are highlighted and reading lists and websites for additional information are provided.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $92.00
Record posted/updated: July 12, 2021