communicate meaningfully with proficiency (proficiency is the ability of an individual to speak or perform in an acquired language).
Indicators for this outcome
(a) uses Nakawē in most common and basic situations of the classroom (using precise verbs such as, abin~sit, nagamon~sing, pāpin~laugh";
(b) uses pronunciation and grammar that is understandable in familiar situations;
(c) takes risks in pronunciation of unfamiliar words;
(d) demonstrates awareness that one word may have multiple meanings depending on the context;
(e) gives examples of various words or expressions that convey the same idea;
(f) uses intonation, stress, and rhythm appropriately in classroom situations;
(g) manages short interactions with classmates with ease; and,
(h) produces short, simple oral texts independently or with guidance from the teacher.
Teaching Sacred Language Curriculum (Book and Flashcards)
This curriculum, developed from a First Nations perspective, provides a framework of strategies and tools to enable holistic language learning. This model will work with any Indigenous language and incorporates methodologies such as Accelerated Second Language Acquisition (ASLA), Total Physical Response (TPR) and elements of the standard roman orthography (SRO) and modified roman orthography (MRO) systems. Included are assessments based on traditional ways of knowing and monthly charts for la...
(More information)
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $150.00
Record posted/updated: August 19, 2022