understand and interpret the Michif language as a connected set of ideas expressed in sentences.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) interprets and responds to traditional narratives of the people relating to areas of Michif worldviews: histories, moral stories, songs, informational texts and entertaining stories, from electronic or print mediums;
(b) interprets and responds to contemporary Michif reflections expressed in a variety of mediums, such as documentaries on a topic of choice, or modern Michif art, dance, drama, and music;
(c) listens to and interprets some of the proceedings of community meetings regarding topics relevant to cultural areas of study, such as meetings with Elders, band council meetings, school committee meetings;
(d) reads and interprets simple excerpts from stories from the oral tradition; stories should be supported with occasional informative illustrations, photos, or other visual representations; and,
(e) reads and interprets a descriptive passage of text or a detailed set of instructions for a process, supported with occasional informative illustrations.