perform language functions that allow them to research.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) consults with community Elders, and identifies a research need or purpose to gather information on the Dene culture;
(b) formulates research questions;
(c) identifies possible sources of information, including people, written texts and media texts;
(d) practices and approaches cultural resource people with appropriate protocol for collecting information;
(e) gathers and records information;
(f) processes and adapts information;
(g) scans for relevant information;
(h) evaluates information critically;
(i) organizes information in ways to fit the need or purpose of task;
(j) prepares a report or presentation (written, visual, using technology);
(k) follows protocol for acknowledging sources; and,
(l) explores effective forms for recording and presenting or using research findings, such as incorporating technology, visual presentation, a magazine article, or written report.
Dene Flash Cards
These sets of 4-inch by 5-inch flashcards support the following themes: Numbers 1-10, Hour Clock Cards, Alphabet Cards, Big Game Animals and Small Game Animals. These sets could provide some support in developing Dene language skills. Each card provides a word in Dene and an image.
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $23.50 (5 sets)
Record posted/updated: July 19, 2021
Dene Large Flash Cards
These sets of 8.5-inch by 11-inch flash cards support the following themes: Numbers 1-10, Hour Clock Cards and Alphabet Cards. These sets could provide some support in developing Dene language skills. Each card provides a word in Dene and an image.
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $51.00 (3 sets)
Record posted/updated: July 16, 2021
Dene benóttheré beghą eritł́ís = Dene Beginner Verbs Book
Using the Total Physical Response (TPR) method, students learn verbs by responding physically to commands. Over 50 Dene verbs are introduced with accompanying graphics.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.00
Record posted/updated: February 17, 2021