assess personal strengths and needs for language learning as they relate to family, community and land.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) reflects on identity through the Dene world-view and language by asking questions; "How does my use of Dene shape the way I understand nature? Or how does my use of Dene shape the way I understand the Dene culture?";
(b) explains how speaking, listening and viewing are useful tools to clarify thinking, communicating and learning;
(c) evaluates the quality of own contributions to group process and sets goals using a self-evaluation tool (created by self or with peers and/or teacher) and plans for development; and,
(d) develops and uses criteria for evaluating self, setting goals, and preparing an action plan.
Deneyu Hutah Nadai. Dene
In this story, Wapan gets bit by a dog. This book may be used to support developing Dene language skills. The Dene alphabet is included and the text is solely in Dene.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $4.50
Record posted/updated: July 19, 2021
Dene Flash Cards
These sets of 4-inch by 5-inch flashcards support the following themes: Numbers 1-10, Hour Clock Cards, Alphabet Cards, Big Game Animals and Small Game Animals. These sets could provide some support in developing Dene language skills. Each card provides a word in Dene and an image.
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $23.50 (5 sets)
Record posted/updated: July 19, 2021
Dene Language Book
This resource is an introductory guide to Dene, using both syllabics and standard roman orthography. It covers the alphabet, words, common phrases and short sentences as well as basic vocabulary on various themes. The text is in Dene and English.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $3.00
Record posted/updated: July 19, 2021
Dene Large Flash Cards
These sets of 8.5-inch by 11-inch flash cards support the following themes: Numbers 1-10, Hour Clock Cards and Alphabet Cards. These sets could provide some support in developing Dene language skills. Each card provides a word in Dene and an image.
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $51.00 (3 sets)
Record posted/updated: July 16, 2021