select and use appropriate strategies to construct meaning and communicate, including language cues and conventions (phonological, semantics, syntactic, pragmatics, graphophonics and morphological).
Indicators for this outcome
(a) uses repetition to intimidate Dene language when practicing words or phrases;
(b) associates new words or expressions with familiar ones using Dene;
(c) uses available technological aides to support language learning such as the website: Gift of Language & Culture www.giftoflanguageandculture.ca;
(d) focuses on key words to understand information when listening, viewing and reading;
(e) identifies the purpose or intent of a message;
(f) asks questions for clarification and recognizes when understanding breaks down;
(g) plans what and how to communicate a message in every day conversations;
(h) risks errors by pushing own language boundaries;
(i) sustains prolonged interaction with pauses to formulate oral text and to self-correct;
(j) uses words and expressions in different ways when intended language is not available;
(k) creates word webs, tables and other graphic organizers in order to remember groups of words or patterns;
(l) analyzes an unfamiliar word through its word parts and the context to comprehend;
(m) identifies areas of personal difficulty and decides on a plan of how to resolve the problem;
(n) distinguishes between fact and opinion of Dene perspectives when using a variety of sources of information (Elders, books, archives, television, World Wide Web);
(o) divides the overall learning task into subtasks, for example when learning weather terms break down the term to root word, prefix and suffix;
(p) assesses own performance or comprehension at the end of a task by answering questions such as "Did I ask an entire question or did I answer the question correctly? What other way could I have said what I did?";
(q) formulates key questions to guide inquiry;
(r) takes part in group decision-making by informing and sharing with others suggestions one has;
(s) uses suitable phrases to intervene in a discussion (e.g., What do you think about ...? Could you tell me more about ...? I wonder about...?");
(t) repeats part of what someone has said to confirm mutual understanding;
(u) summarizes the point reached in a discussion to help focus a task;
(v) works with others to monitor own language learning (e.g., peers, teachers); and,
(w) uses support strategies to help peers persevere at learning task;
(x) uses note taking to write down key terms or concepts (e.g., split page notes, write down key term on one side and meaning of the term on the other).
Dene Flash Cards
These sets of 4-inch by 5-inch flashcards support the following themes: Numbers 1-10, Hour Clock Cards, Alphabet Cards, Big Game Animals and Small Game Animals. These sets could provide some support in developing Dene language skills. Each card provides a word in Dene and an image.
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $23.50 (5 sets)
Record posted/updated: July 19, 2021
Dene Language Book
This resource is an introductory guide to Dene, using both syllabics and standard roman orthography. It covers the alphabet, words, common phrases and short sentences as well as basic vocabulary on various themes. The text is in Dene and English.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $3.00
Record posted/updated: July 19, 2021
Dene Large Flash Cards
These sets of 8.5-inch by 11-inch flash cards support the following themes: Numbers 1-10, Hour Clock Cards and Alphabet Cards. These sets could provide some support in developing Dene language skills. Each card provides a word in Dene and an image.
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $51.00 (3 sets)
Record posted/updated: July 16, 2021
Teaching Sacred Language Curriculum (Book and Flashcards)
This curriculum, developed from a First Nations perspective, provides a framework of strategies and tools to enable holistic language learning. This model will work with any Indigenous language and incorporates methodologies such as Accelerated Second Language Acquisition (ASLA), Total Physical Response (TPR) and elements of the standard roman orthography (SRO) and modified roman orthography (MRO) systems. Included are assessments based on traditional ways of knowing and monthly charts for la...
(More information)
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $150.00
Record posted/updated: August 19, 2022
Setsune and I Series. Dene and English
This series includes 5 colouring storybooks. The series illustrates a narrative utilizing Dene terminology to depict various cultural activities that take place within an Indigenous kinship system. It may be used to support the development of Dene language skills. The text is in Dene and English.
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $20.00
Record posted/updated: July 16, 2021