Examine ways in which contemporary Métis music reflects social and cultural contexts.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Engage with Métis musicians to identify regional and individual styles of contemporary Métis music.
(b) Describe sources of inspiration for the music of current Métis musicians.
(c) Describe how specific selections of contemporary Métis music incorporate traditional and innovative styles.
(d) Respond critically and/or creatively to the music of selected Métis musicians.
(e) Examine how Métis musicians are influential in the arts and communities locally, nationally and internationally.
(f) Research social and cultural influences (e.g., family life, legacy of residential schools, Michif language, personal experiences growing up, traditional stories, global issues) on contemporary Métis musicians and their work.
Spotify, Pandora, and Streaming Music
This resource delves briefly into the history of digital music and the development of music streaming services. Books and websites are listed for further investigation of the topic.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022