Improvise on an instrument or with voice or other creative technology, independently applying music theory, cultural or performance practice.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Improvise around a given structure and reflect on own progress.
(b) Make informed judgements and choices for independent decision making, evaluation and action in improvisation.
(c) Examine improvisation within a diverse range of cultural and social contexts.
(d) Examine the work of musicians engaged in improvisation and apply learning to own musical work.
(e) Demonstrate growth in the presentation and construction of improvised solos in a performance setting.
(f) Take personal and musical risks by trying new ways to express ideas.
(g) Demonstrate increased knowledge of selected musical concepts (e.g., elements of music, composition principles) through improvisation.
(h) Demonstrate increased/advanced aural skills and reflect on own growth.
(i) Imitate or transcribe more complex musical ideas (e.g., listen and play).
(j) Apply language appropriate to the musical style to talk about improvisation.
Teaching Music Improvisation with Technology
This book explores multiple areas of music technology and offers exercises and activities for students to develop skills in improvisation. The resource draws on theory and influential artists to lay a musical foundation for students. There are many numbered steps and diagrams indicating how to use various software programs. While many of the strategies could be used for any genre of music that employs improvisation, the excerpts and references in the text
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $38.50
Record posted/updated: July 19, 2021