Examine the impact and role of music in own life and investigate music careers and pathways for continuing engagement in music.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Investigate relationships between music and personal wellness including mental health (e.g., music therapy, social connection) and identify and discuss associated research.
(b) Examine ways that different genres/styles of music influence one’s wellbeing (e.g., rock music elevating moods, ballads encouraging reflection or relaxation).
(c) Examine how music is infused in daily life (e.g., to influence consumers via advertising, shopping environments, cultural music festivals) including media (e.g., film, video games, television, social media, apps).
(d) Explore music from own cultural heritage and examine opportunities and benefits for continuing lifelong engagement in music (e.g., community choirs, bands, musical theatre).
(e) Generate questions and conduct an inquiry into potential career avenues in specific disciplines and music in general (e.g., audio engineer, DJ, orchestral musician, composer/songwriter, producer, music therapist) and investigate opportunities for continuing study at the post-secondary level (e.g., scholarships, entrance requirements, auditions).
(f) Examine legalities in music such as copyrighting, trademarking and contracts (e.g., performance contract fees, licensing and financial compensation for digital distribution of recordings, First Nations traditional laws).
(g) Examine ethics (e.g., copying pirated music files, sampling, compensation from streaming services, stereotyped representations in lyrics and music videos) and legalities (e.g., Music 10, 20, 3040copyrighting, trademarking, First Nations traditional laws, contracts) related to creating and producing music.
(h) Research supports for musicians such as unions, professional associations, agents, Elders and Knowledge Keepers, provincial and federal grants (e.g., funding for creation, touring and recording).
(i) Discuss entrepreneurship and personal qualities required for pursuing a career in music.
Careers in Music
This book is a part of the Careers for Creative People series. It provides an overview of eight job types related to music and lists the training, skills, working conditions, earnings and job prospects for each one. While the information is American based, it provides a starting point to research the careers in a Canadian context.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $30.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 8, 2021
Rock in the Musical Theatre: A Guide for Singers
This book provides the history and the techniques of the rock musical genre in theatre. It is both theoretical and practical offering theatre singers and drama teachers a source of information on rock styles, their origins and their performance practices.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
Auditioning for Musical Theatre
This book investigates a practical approach to auditioning including identifying vocal strengths, choosing material, rules to guide an actor through the process, and a list of materials, genres and commonly used audition songs.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022