Identify and describe characteristics of powwow and other social music of Saskatchewan First Nations peoples.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Engage with First Nations Elders, Knowledge Keepers and/or musicians to identify characteristics of music associated with various powwow dances (e.g., fancy dance, men’s and women’s traditional, jingle dress).
(b) Discuss the ways of knowing and learning (e.g., songs passed down/gifted, songs composed) that are applied to learning First Nations traditional and contemporary music.
(c) Analyze how the work of contemporary musicians is influenced by First Nations traditional music.
(d) Examine how First Nations music and musicians from Saskatchewan and international locations influence and respond to social, political and cultural issues (e.g., treaty education outcome SI11 - analyze how the unfulfilled aspects of treaties, with international Indigenous people, have resulted in inequities).
(e) Recognize different purposes for First Nations ceremonial and social music.
(f) Describe various powwow protocols and their purposes, including protocols specific to the music.
(g) Identify the purpose of the different roles of men and women in traditional drumming and singing.
(h) Identify differences in music and protocols among First Nations.
Buffalo River Dene Drummers
This CD features songs performed by the Buffalo River Dene Drummers. This resource represents the traditional music of the Buffalo River Dene First Nation, located in the boreal forest of north western Saskatchewan. Other CDs are available through the Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $10.00
Record posted/updated: June 11, 2021
Spotify, Pandora, and Streaming Music
This resource delves briefly into the history of digital music and the development of music streaming services. Books and websites are listed for further investigation of the topic.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022