Listen and respond to musical expressions of others, differentiating between critical analysis and personal preference.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Express initial reactions, while listening to music, and conduct further analysis based on evidence in the work.
(b) Examine and classify music representing various genres, styles, time periods, places, social groups, world cultures, composers and performers.
(c) Respond critically (e.g., written, oral, arts expression) to music from various genres, styles, times, places, social groups and cultures using terminology specific to the music genre.
(d) Analyse the characteristics of excellent performance through listening to and watching other performers.
(e) Explain relationships between acoustics and sound.
(f) Analyse and interpret music using evidence from the piece and/or performance including examination of the importance of musical text.
(g) Make personal connections to the music and provide reasons for individual preferences.
Buffalo River Dene Drummers
This CD features songs performed by the Buffalo River Dene Drummers. This resource represents the traditional music of the Buffalo River Dene First Nation, located in the boreal forest of north western Saskatchewan. Other CDs are available through the Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $10.00
Record posted/updated: June 11, 2021
Rock Music Styles: A History (8th ed.)
The origins of rock music and its development into many contemporary styles are explored in this resource. Online listening guides provide further insight into music styles such as: soul and Motown, the British Invasion, folk, punk, reggae, heavy metal, rap and many others.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: February 17, 2022