Examine, and explore in own work, one or more theatre traditions.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Discuss connections between Indigenous artistic traditions (e.g., song, dance, stories) and the land, identity and worldview.
(b) Recognize that artistic practices may be specific to a treaty territory, cultural and/or language group in Saskatchewan and Canada.
(c) Examine theatre traditions representing various cultures and worldviews and explain how they are specific to place and time (e.g., Indigenous storytelling, Greek Theatre, Karagozi shadow puppetry, Talchum mask dance, Kathakali, Theatre of the Oppressed, mummers in Newfoundland).
(d) Provide examples of how theatre traditions continue to evolve.
(e) Present work inspired by a theatre era or tradition (e.g., perform scenes from different eras, present design elements).
Special Makeup Effects for Stage and Screen: Making and Applying Prosthetics (3rd ed.)
This is a comprehensive guide which focuses on prosthetic creation and application for stage, film and television. The resource provides technical instructions and images to achieve the desired effects.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $69.95 USD
Record posted/updated: June 9, 2021
Theatre Brief (12th ed.)
This is a comprehensive text with chapters that include: What Is Theatre?; Why Study Theatre?; The Actor; The Playwright; Designers and Technicians; The Director; Theatre Traditions; Modern Theatre; Musical Theatre; Theatre Today; and The Audience. This textbook facilitates the investigation of drama and the theatre arts by providing brief overviews with pictures, diagrams, charts, and interviews with professionals.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $99.95
Record posted/updated: June 9, 2021
Theatre. The Lively Art (10th ed.)
This is an introductory resource about the world of live theatre. While covering world theatre traditions both past and present, the resource also delves into the process of creating theatre from the standpoint of personnel and technical components. Roles of personnel are explained at length including playwrights, actors, producers, as well as technical departments and designers of costumes, hair, lights, sound, and set. The resource sets itself apart from other resources in that it discusses the process of experiencing live theatre, the role of the audience and how theatre etiquette has evolved over time.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $97.33
Record posted/updated: June 11, 2021
Theatre. Collaborative Acts (4th ed.)
This professional resource provides an extensive overview of almost all aspects of the Theatre. It explores topics such as the history of theatre, notable names, scene work, gender equality, basic lighting techniques and offers a connection to real-world theatre practices. It also provides ideas for students that extend beyond performance-based activities.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $111.60
Record posted/updated: May 31, 2021
How to Teach a Play: Essential Exercises for Popular Plays
This book contains activities to develop students’ performative imagination using commonly taught plays from countries such as the United States of America, Great Britain, Germany, Norway, Japan, South Africa and Mexico. The activities are applicable to all levels of high school drama classrooms or rehearsals.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
Christine Sokaymoh Frederick
This DVD from the REDx Talks series is about Christine Sokaymoh Frederick, cofounder and artistic director of Alberta Aboriginal Arts which produces the Rubaboo Arts Festival. She is a Cree-Métis woman with 30 years of performance experience on the international stage as a dancer, musician, media artist, writer, producer and actor. In the video, Christine discusses the importance of the arts to protect one’s cultural heritage.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $69.00
Record posted/updated: July 19, 2021
Contemporary Monologues for Twentysomethings
This is a book of monologues with characters facing real world issues. The story lines are direct and honest, and will challenge actors in their interpretation of the monologues.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
Devising Critically Engaged Theatre with Youth: The Performing Justice Project
This resource provides educators with a framework for creating original youth theatre while learning about social justice in the context of supporting students performing for a more equitable world. Using recognizable methods and exercises, educators can collaborate with their students to create some powerful dramatic arts experiences.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
Mime the Gap: Techniques in Mime and Movement
This book offers exercises for solo and group mime expression. It provides step-by-step instructions for simple to more complex mime illusions and outlines the principles of physical articulation used in this performance art.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
Emil and the Detectives
This book features the play Emil and the Detectives, which is about a boy who is robbed by a mysterious stranger on the train to Berlin. The book begins with the play’s script and is followed by activities that explore the skills required to perform it, interviews with the director and playwright and a glossary of theatrical terms. This resource provides students with an informative presentation of a contemporary dramatic production. The performers’ lines are printed in black and stage directions are in blue.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
Short Plays with Great Roles for Women
This is a collection of short plays that contain roles for women of all ages and ethnicities. The plays are appropriate in length for classroom use and address contemporary topics.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
The play Home is about homelessness amongst young people. The book begins with the play’s script and is followed by activities that explore the skills required to perform it, interviews with the writer/director and cast member and a glossary of theatrical terms. This resource provides students with a unique presentation of a contemporary dramatic production. The performers’ lines are printed in black and stage directions are in blue.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
The Wardrobe
This book features the play The Wardrobe, which explores the shaping of British history and how the past is connected to the present. The book begins with the play’s script and is followed by activities that explore the skills required to perform it, interviews with the director, playwright and designer and a glossary of theatrical terms. This resource provides students with an informative presentation of a contemporary dramatic production. The performers’ lines are printed in black and stage directions are in blue.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
Rock in the Musical Theatre: A Guide for Singers
This book provides the history and the techniques of the rock musical genre in theatre. It is both theoretical and practical offering theatre singers and drama teachers a source of information on rock styles, their origins and their performance practices.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
Red Man Laughing
This resource is a podcast that provides interviews highlighting Indigenous culture and contemporary issues in terms of artistic expression.
Media and Formats : Website Other
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
War Horse
Set in World War I, this play is about a young man who searches to bring home his horse that was sold to the cavalry. The book begins with the play’s script and is followed by activities that explore the skills required to perform it, interviews with the co-director, puppetry director and the author of the original novel and a glossary of theatrical terms. This resource provides students with an informative presentation of a contemporary dramatic production. The performers’ lines are printed in black and stage directions are in blue.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022