Physical Education 20
Skeletal and Muscular Systems – Investigate the effect of physical activity on the skeletal and muscular systems of the human body.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) | Identify the major bones, joints and muscles that are affected by participation in a specific physical activity. |
(b) | Demonstrate the three types (i.e., concentric, eccentric and isometric) of muscle contractions. |
(c) | Explore the impact of the three types of muscle contractions on muscle development. |
(d) | Investigate and perform isolated and compound movements that target major muscles. |
(e) | Identify and perform different exercises that increase the efficiency of slow and fast twitch muscle fibres. |
(f) | Explain how various types of exercise incorporate specific joint actions (e.g., abduction, adduction, circumduction, eversion, inversion, pronation and supination). |
(g) | Research common injuries (e.g., fracture, sprain and tear) to bones, joints and muscles that result from physical activity. |
(h) | Explore the cause and treatment of injuries (e.g., stress fracture, tendonitis and muscle strain) that result from over-use of a bone, joint and/or muscle during physical activity. |
(i) | Analyze the impact of a sedentary lifestyle on skeletal and/or muscular systems in the short and long-term. |

Core Concepts in Health(3rd Canadian ed.)
This 21-chapter textbook includes topics such as exercise for health and fitness, psychological health, stress, nutrition basics and cardiovascular health.

Fitness for Life Canada: Preparing Teens for Healthy, Active Lifestyles
This Canadian textbook emphasizes fitness now and for life. This resource principally addresses physical literacy and includes sections on healthy relationships and mental and sexual health. Each of the 21 units include an overview, photos, charts, tables and reviews. The units are subdivided into lessons with self-assessments, fitness facts, tips for using fitness technology, critical thinking activities for discussion and project suggestions. A student Web resource is also available for free.
(More information)

Fit & Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness(6th Canadian ed.)
This book features research-based information in the fields of physical fitness and wellness. The content includes self-assessment tools and current information in health and nutrition.

Developmental and Adapted Physical Activity Assessment(2nd ed.)
This teacher resource focuses on assessing and meeting the needs of students with disabilities in the physical education classroom. It includes 10 chapters for assessing Motor Development, Physical Function, Posture, Gait and Balance, Perception and Cognition, and Behaviour and Social Competence. It includes a table of contents, a glossary of terms, an index and an appendix with sample tests for early learners, motor development, motor proficiency and sport skills. Each chapter presents information, case studies, a conclusion and summary. Though the resource references American sources, it presents many examples and ideas for inclusion.
(More information)

Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy Poster Series
This set of three posters provides a visual reference to recreate exercises that target the lower body and back, upper body and core, and whole body. Each exercise includes a visual diagram of the execution, muscles groups being used and required equipment.

Beginning Hip-Hop Dance
This book contains seven chapters including an introduction to hip-hop, preparation for class, safety and health considerations, technique, steps, history and dance forms. The resource includes pictures, diagrams, chapter summaries, a glossary of terms and a free supplemental web resource with video clips of hip-hop dance techniques, learning activities, assignments and interactive quizzes.

Soccer Science
This resource examines a variety of factors that contribute to successful performance in soccer: skill acquisition, coaching, biomechanics, psychology, physiology and game tactics.

Instructing Hatha Yoga: A Guide for Teachers and Students(2nd ed.)
This resource provides detailed instructions for 68 yoga poses, including over 200 photos that demonstrate correct postures. Access to web resources, such as instructional video clips and evaluation forms, is also included with the resource.

Complete Guide to Sport Education(3rd ed.)
This is a complete guide for setting up a physical education classroom with a Sport Education model. It includes planning tools and a suggested framework to meet the fundamentals of sports education which consist of participation by everyone at all times, developmental appropriateness and inclusivity.

Strength Band Training(3rd ed.)
This book provides numerous exercises using exercise bands for training. A table at the beginning of the book lists the exercises, the primary muscles affected, the sport applications and the page number to find directions for proper technique.

Sports Injuries Guidebook(2nd ed.)
This resource provides information about the identification and treatment of common sports injuries as well as the recovery and return to activity. There are descriptions of symptoms, anatomical illustrations, treatment options and a plan for returning to action.

The Warm-up: Maximize Performance and Improve Long-Term Athletic Development
This resource provides warm-up exercises and drills using the RAMP system—Raise, Activate, Mobilize and Potentiate—to maximize subsequent performance and reduce the risk of injury. The publisher provides access to an online video library containing 17 clips that demonstrate the movement patterns of the Raise phase discussed in the book.

The Archery Drill Book
This book provides an introduction to the sport of archery in the school setting. It offers drills for all aspects of the sport including recurve and longbow essentials, compound essentials, flawless execution, timing and rhythm, strength and stamina, consistency, balance and stillness, as well as training mind-set.

The Language of Coaching: The Art and Science of Teaching Movement
This professional resource focuses on the impact that communication has on an individual’s ability to learn and execute a movement. It examines how instruction, feedback and cueing can significantly affect training outcomes. The book includes over 25 movement sequences that outline different types of coaching cues.

Warrior Games Series
Series host, Steve Sxwithul'txw, visits various communities in Canada to explore traditional Indigenous sports. As Steve trains to participate in each sport, he also learns more about the history of the sport and the culture and identity of the youth with whom he will be competing.
Warrior Games. Episode 1. Choctaw Stickball
Warrior Games. Episode 10. Arctic Games, Part I
Warrior Games. Episode 11. Arctic Games, Part II
Warrior Games. Episode 12. Archery
Warrior Games. Episode 13. Steve's Journey
Warrior Games. Episode 3. Lacrosse
Warrior Games. Episode 4. Métis Games
Warrior Games. Episode 5. Seabird Island
Warrior Games. Episode 6. Hoop Dancing
Warrior Games. Episode 7. Longball
Warrior Games. Episode 8. Snowboarding
Warrior Games. Episode 9. Snowsnake

Soccer Anatomy(2nd ed.)
This book focuses on the development of specific muscle groups used in soccer. Topics include warm-ups for injury prevention, how the muscles help with soccer movements and exercises to develop those muscles.

Dance Anatomy(2nd ed.)
This resource provides over 100 dance, movement, and performance exercises, each designed to promote correct alignment, improved placement, proper breathing, and prevention of common injuries related to dance. The chapters are organized by parts of the body to promote flexibility and strength in those areas. The images highlight the active muscles associated with each movement.