Create a large-scale computer program to demonstrate proficiency in procedural or object-oriented programming.
Indicators for this outcome

Choose a project that is of an appropriate scale and complexity based on the skills and abilities of team members.


Identify required features and desired features of the project.


Incorporate programming concepts and principles such as data structures, external files, libraries and/or object-oriented programming as required.


Develop elegant code and refine through multiple iterations.


Integrate code from multiple team members as required.


Conduct beta testing with peers and/or external participants as required.


Incorporate feedback from peers and/or external participants as required.


Conduct beta testing with peers and/or external participants as required.


Revise the scale and complexity of the project according to skill, available resources and available time.


Confirm that the project incorporates all required features.

Arduino Applied: Comprehensive Projects for Everyday Electronics
This book extends the Arduino Uno starter kits and increases knowledge of microcontrollers in electronic applications. It shows how to build complex Arduino projects, break them down into smaller ones and then enhance them. Each chapter is separated into multiple sections, offering diagrams, samples and explanations of code. Many chapters offer project-based activities that incorporate the content from previous chapters into a culminating task.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 1, 2022