Investigate the morality and effects of bioethical decisions and other dignity of life issues.


Indicators for this outcome

Describe Catholic teachings pertaining to dignity of life including the concept of human value versus human usefulness (e.g., euthanasia, abortion, marginalization of the vulnerable).


Research views of prominent bioethicists regarding the value of human life (e.g. Dr. Moira McQueen, Sr. Nuala Kenny M.D., Margaret Somerville, representatives of the National Catholic Bioethics Centre).


Examine and describe how personal views are influenced by Catholic teachings on bioethical issues (e.g., cloning, stem-cell research, in-vitro fertilization, organ donation and transplants, eugenics, designer babies, abortion, transhumanism, euthanasia, suicide).


Examine and describe how personal views are influenced by societal perspectives on bioethical issues (e.g., traditional First Nations and Métis, Evangelical Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, moral relativist, popular culture and atheist).


Discuss ethical implications and effects of health and wellness practices, programs and experiences such as:

  • current medical interventions (e.g., palliative care, abortion, organ transplantation, sterilization)
  • past medical interventions (e.g., the Alberta Eugenics Board operating from 1928 – 1972, the Weyburn Mental Hospital operating from 1921 – 1971)
  • use of artificial contraceptives or Natural Family Planning
  • medical research techniques using generated or harvested stem cells
  • federally funded universal Medicare program
  • health issues resulting from marginalization and poverty including those occurring in First Nations and Métis communities (e.g., high incidents of diabetes, HIV and suicide).

Using Church teachings expressed in documents such as "A Church Seeking Justice", research and represent Cardinal Bernardin's principle of the 'Seamless Garment of Life' (e.g., homelessness, gender and sexual diversity issues, artificial contraceptives, militarism).

Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society
This resource discusses the social teachings of the Church and what they express about God's plan for all people and our obligations to care for one another, especially those most in need in society. Subjects such as abortion, the death penalty, suicide, euthanasia, war, racism, immigration, sexual exploitation, and disability are addressed from the standpoint of sustaining and nurturing a culture of life. Key terms are explained in the margins and review questions are included at the end of ...
(More information)
•  Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society. Teacher Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $28.95 USD
Record posted/updated: June 21, 2021
Theology of the Body for Every Body
Written by a Saskatchewan author, this resource uses Saint Pope John Paul II's reflections on relationships and sexuality as a basis to discuss what it means to live an ethical and moral life that honours God. The book explains how the body is a gift from God and explores what that means in a practical way in our everyday lives.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: January 22, 2019
YOUCAT English. Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church
This resource summarizes Catholic doctrine in way that is accessible to teens. A question-and-answer format, graphics and thought-provoking quotes provide information on the Catholic faith and links for further study.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $19.95 US
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Particles of Faith: A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science
This resource provides background information to teachers of religion and science. Writing from the Catholic tradition, a professional scientist frames scientific knowledge in ways that can inform acts of faith. The author writes about personal experience as a researcher, famous scientists with faith, papal encyclicals and scientific knowledge.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.95 USD
Record posted/updated: June 22, 2021
Holy Goals for Body and Soul: Eight Steps to Connect Sports with God and Faith
This book makes connections between the spiritual and physical life of Catholic bishop Thomas John Paprocki. It draws parallels between the pursuit of playing hockey or other sports and following a religious path. This book compares sports and faith, and the benefits of both in one’s life.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $14.95 USD
Record posted/updated: June 22, 2021
100 Things Every Catholic Teen Should Know
Common questions teens have about the Catholic faith are grouped by theme in this easy-to-read resource. Topics include: the existence of God, salvation, the Magisterium, the Church, the Sacraments, morality and prayer. Each question is followed by a one- or two-page answer, ending with the Biblical references that support the explanation.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.00 US
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Ed's Story. A Film Series About Hope
This DVD series of short films follows Pastor Ed Dobson's reflections after receiving a terminal diagnosis of ALS. What he understood as a devastating and debilitating reality slowly becomes a journey of hope and healing. A reflection guide is available, as well. This resource supports the topic of human suffering and Christian hope.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $19.99
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2021
Opportunities to Address Substance Misuse in Curriculum
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators are noted.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 18, 2019
The Way. Student Edition: Living Out God's Plan for Your Life as a Disciple of Christ
This resource discusses what it means to live as a disciple of Christ. Section topics include: The Reality of Sin, Love of God, Love of Neighbour and Living the Gospel Message. Each section begins with an explanation of the concepts students will examine and a list of new vocabulary. Primary sources, such as Scripture references, papal documents and historical writings, are included throughout the text.
•  The Way: Living Out God's Plan for Your Life as a Disciple of Christ. Teacher Edition
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $41.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching: Living as a Disciple of Christ
This text provides opportunities for students to think and to learn about how they can make a difference in the world by exercising their faith in activities of charity and social justice. Topics include: the definition and history of Catholic social teaching, advocating for the poor and vulnerable and caring for God's creation. Each chapter includes a chapter overview, suggestions for note-taking, section assessments and definitions for key vocabulary.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $36.50
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Confronting the Ideologies of Our Time
This resource, part of the Father Michael Ryan series, provides Catholic educators with a brief introduction to the ideologies that exist in contemporary society and their relationship to the Catholic faith. Topics include: materialism, atheism, scientism and relativism.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.50
Record posted/updated: January 22, 2019
YOUCAT. Study Guide: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church
This study guide is divided into the same four parts as the YOUCAT itself: what we believe, how we celebrate what we believe, how we live what we believe and how we pray. The guide also includes topics for study, reflection and application in daily life.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95 US
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
World Religions. Student Resource and Online Student Centre: A Canadian Catholic Perspective
This student resource provides a Canadian perspective on the Catholic faith and its relationship to other world religions such as Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. The study of each faith includes a personal reflection from a follower and a comparison of that faith to Catholicism. Information on Canadian Indigenous traditional spirituality is also included, as well as opportunities for students to review and apply their learnings in Check Your Understanding, Think About It and Make It Personal fea...
(More information)
•  World Religions. ExamView Test Bank: A Canadian Catholic Perspective
•  World Religions. Teacher's Resource: A Canadian Catholic Perspective
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $80.50
Record posted/updated: October 18, 2020
Tweeting with God: # Big Bang, Prayer, Bible, Sex, Crusades, Sin, Career ...
Fr. Michel Remery takes 200 questions from young people and answers them all in Tweets to show how applicable faith is in the 21st century. Each Tweet is accompanied by an expanded explanation of the topic. Some of the questions include: What are the origins of the Church? Was Jesus against women? and Why are we here on Earth?
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $21.95 (US)
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Theology of the Body for Teens. Student Workbook: Discovering God's Plan for Love and Life (High School ed.)
This resource helps students understand the Church's teachings on the human body and sexuality. Each of the 12 chapters in the book includes comprehension and discussion questions, plus Bridging the Gap and To the Core sections that supply background information and highlight key concepts.
•  Theology of the Body for Teens DVD Set: Discovering God's Plans for Love and Life
•  Theology of the Body for Teens. Leader's Guide: Discovering God's Plan for Love and Life
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $14.95 US
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Bible Book
This resource explains the key figures, recurring themes and core ideas of both the Old and New Testaments using colourful graphics, famous artwork and historical timelines.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $32.00
Record posted/updated: September 6, 2019