Investigate how diverse Catholic rites are varying expressions of the same faith.

[SH, KG, CH]

Indicators for this outcome

Identify and discuss key characteristics of the seven rites of the Catholic Church (i.e., Latin, Byzantine, Alexandrian, Syriac, Armenian, Maronite, and Chaldean).


Represent the concept of multiple traditions but one faith.


Give examples to show the difference between:

  • Apostolic or Holy Tradition (e.g., Marian devotion, writings of Church authorities, hierarchy of the Church built on the witness of Peter, the apostles and their successors)
  • ecclesial traditions (e.g., language of the mass, Ukrainian traditions within the Byzantine rite, First Nations and Metis smudging and music in Catholic liturgy, Filipino Good Friday cultural practices, Greek Orthodox celebrations).

Express how varying religious expression within the rites of Catholicism are complementary rather than contradictory (e.g., sacramental rituals, expressions of Marian devotion or prayers through the communion of saints).

Church History: Apostolic Times to Today
This book examines the events of the Church's life, the contributions to human life it has made, and studies the challenges the Church has faced over time, from her earliest history. Key terms are explained in the margins and review questions are included at the end of every chapter.
•  Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. Teacher Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $28.95 USD
Record posted/updated: June 21, 2021
World Religions. Student Resource and Online Student Centre: A Canadian Catholic Perspective
This student resource provides a Canadian perspective on the Catholic faith and its relationship to other world religions such as Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. The study of each faith includes a personal reflection from a follower and a comparison of that faith to Catholicism. Information on Canadian Indigenous traditional spirituality is also included, as well as opportunities for students to review and apply their learnings in Check Your Understanding, Think About It and Make It Personal features.
(More information)
•  World Religions. ExamView Test Bank: A Canadian Catholic Perspective
•  World Religions. Teacher's Resource: A Canadian Catholic Perspective
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $80.50
Record posted/updated: October 18, 2020