CR 20.3
Listen to, comprehend, and develop coherent and plausible interpretations of grade-appropriate informational and literary First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, Canadian, and international texts, including spoken instructions, and argumentative and persuasive speeches.
Indicators for this outcome

Listen to and interpret a variety of grade-appropriate literary and informational texts created by First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, Canadian, and international authors from various cultural communities that address identity, social responsibility, and social action (agency).


Select, use, and evaluate critically a variety of before (page 19), during (page 20), and after (page 21) strategies to construct meaning when listening.


Use language cues and conventions (page 17) of a variety of informational and literary texts to construct and confirm meaning when listening.


Demonstrate the First Nations, Métis (refer to Teaching Treaties in Classroom and/or school division Elder protocol policy), and other cultures' (consult multicultural organizations) protocols for listening.


Demonstrate critical listening behaviours including:

  • concentrating, focusing, and attending
  • filtering distractions, recognizing factors that interfere with effective listening (including personal biases), and demonstrating a willingness to take a tentative stance, tolerate ambiguity, explore multiple perspectives, and consider more than one interpretation of texts listened to
  • determining the thesis or main idea of a speech and identifying the supporting points
  • analyzing and evaluating explicit and implicit messages/concepts, viewpoints, theme, and tone
  • recognizing the overall plan or organization including transitional expressions
  • summarizing, paraphrasing, and processing information presented orally by others
  • distinguishing fact from opinion
  • identifying and analyzing persuasive techniques
  • evaluating the speaker's intent, tone, position, persuasive techniques, and biases, and validity of ideas presented
  • identifying key allusions and symbols from a variety of cultures
  • using effective note-making strategies and a variety of written or graphic organizers or digital means to share ideas acquired from what was listened to
  • organizing and sharing ideas from what was listened to and responding personally, critical, and empathetically to the text
  • preparing and asking relevant questions, and responding appropriately after listening
  • analyzing the overall effectiveness of what was listened to.

Follow spoken instructions to perform specific tasks, to answer questions, or to solve problems.


Evaluate the speaker's qualifications to speak about a given subject.


Identify the ways in which the structure and style of a speech support its purpose.


Identify the types of persuasion used by the speaker, including logic (e.g., cause/effect, analogy), emotion, and authority of source.


Analyze the techniques in and strengths and weaknesses of oral texts in relation to specific criteria.


Listen to, analyze, and compare different oral presentations on the same ideas and issues.
