(a) |
Evaluate the quality of own contributions to group process, and set goals and plans for development. |
(b) |
Develop and use criteria for evaluating self, goals, and projects. |
(c) |
Appraise own and others' work to determine the appropriateness of resource choices, language use, organization, and communication forms. |
(d) |
Assess own and others' work for clarity, correctness, and variety. |
(e) |
Reflect on and assess viewing, listening, and reading experiences and the strategies selected; use relevant criteria to assess viewing, listening, and reading activities; and set goals for each. |
(f) |
Contribute to and use criteria to self-assess and set goals. |
(g) |
Identify and analyze effectiveness of a variety of language strategies and competency level of self as a representer, speaker, and writer. |
(h) |
Collect materials for a portfolio or e-portfolio that reflect language achievement in relation to career choices. |