Read Grade 8 appropriate texts to increase fluency (140-180 wcpm orally; 180-230 silently) and expression.
Indicators for this outcome

Demonstrate the behaviours of an effective and active reader including previewing text, anticipating author's message, reading with purpose in mind, recognizing main ideas and relevant details for purpose, making jot notes to assist recall, considering author's reasoning for creating text, analyzing and evaluating ideas and craft as one reads, and recognizing underlying biases, stereotypes, or prejudices in text.


Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas, events, or themes of a variety of novels, stories, poetry, and other oral, print, and electronic media.


Interpret and report on information obtained from more than one source to inform others.


Use various forms of note making (e.g., lists, summaries, observations, descriptions) appropriate to purpose and situation.


Demonstrate the ability to comprehend and use everyday texts (e.g., directions, schedules, brochures) and make judgements about purpose and importance.


Utilize note making and outlining as learning tools.


Show understanding that the author's experience, background, and culture influenced the treatment of theme.


Identify with and develop an understanding of the characters the author has created from what they say and do and from what other characters and the narrator say about them.


Select, independently, texts that address learning needs and interests.
