(a) |
View, listen to, read, and respond to a variety of visual, multimedia (including digital), oral, and print texts that address the grade-level themes and issues related to identity, social responsibility, and efficacy including those that reflect diverse personal identities, worldviews, and backgrounds (e.g., appearance, culture, socio-economic status, ability, age, gender, sexual orientation, language, career pathway). |
(b) |
Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of visual, oral, print, and multimedia (including digital) texts by: understanding the ideas: Clearly, completely, and accurately summarize and explain the ideas and implicit and explicit messages (including setting, main characters, conflicts, events) in texts; cite details that support the main ideas; make logical inferences; interpret obvious themes or author's message logically. understanding, using, and analyzing the text structures and (language) features of texts to construct meaning: Use key text features (e.g., headings, diagrams, paragraphs); recognize organizational patterns (e.g., text structure) and structural cues within texts (e.g., transition words); recognize rhetorical techniques and craft of texts (e.g., hyperbole, parallelism, colour, repetition); identify how texts were constructed, shaped, and produced. responding to and interpreting texts: Make, explain, and justify reactions and personal connections to texts; give opinions and make judgements supported by reasons, explanations, and evidence; make judgements and draw conclusions about ideas on the basis of evidence; make logical interpretations of the author's message; make and support inferences about characters' feelings, motivations, and point of view; organize response and interpretation around several clear ideas or premises. |
(c) |
Explain the motivation of the characters in literary texts, providing evidence from each text. |
(d) |
Identify and describe techniques used to create mood in visual, oral, written, and multimedia (including digital) texts. |
(e) |
Explain preferences for various texts, genres, or specific authors. |
(f) |
Identify and explain connections between new ideas and information and previous beliefs, values, and experiences. |
(g) |
Identify stereotyping in what is seen, heard, and read and begin to recognize its negative impact on individuals and society. |
(h) |
Identify techniques used to create particular effects or portray various people and cultures. |
(i) |
Discuss how similar ideas, people, experiences, and traditions are conveyed in a variety of oral, print, and other texts. |
(j) |
Consider how text has contributed to understanding of self and others (e.g., cultural groups). |
(k) |
Describe and give examples to explain personal criteria for assessing and responding to what is viewed, heard, or read. |
(l) |
Evaluate the content, quality, organization, and presentation of a text. |
(m) |
Produce response journals and use interactive websites such as web logs ("blogs" for short) that serve as journals. |
(n) |
Describe the purpose of specific texts and explain how their key features aid understanding. |