Use oral language to interact purposefully and appropriately with others in pairs, small groups, and large group situations (e.g., contributing to sustaining dialogue, expressing support for others and their viewpoints, discussing and analyzing ideas and opinions, completing a variety of tasks, and contributing to group consensus building).
Indicators for this outcome

Share ideas/knowledge clearly and logically, add to others' ideas, repeat points for clarification, and relate points already made for emphasis and reconsideration.


Maintain conversations with classmates, guests, and adults.


Demonstrate the ability to participate responsibly in discussions and team projects.


Facilitate small group activities and short, whole-class sessions to share information on a topic.


Contribute to group efforts to reach consensus or conclusions.


Assume different roles in group work (e.g., leader, recorder, contributor).


Recognize when conflicts and tensions arise in group work and negotiate a return to a productive and respectful atmosphere.


Support key points with evidence and examples.


Defend and/or support opinion with evidence in group work.


Summarize personal viewpoint in clear and meaningful ways.


Summarize ideas discussed and state own view in light of discussion.


Present group conclusions and findings to classmates.


Respond to questions and suggestions concisely, clearly, and appropriately.


Speak to share and to entertain (e.g., read aloud, recite a poem, participate in an improvisation).
