Create and present a teacher-guided inquiry project related to a topic, theme, or issue studied in English language arts.
Indicators for this outcome

Apply inquiry process and complete an individual or group inquiry project related to the themes or issues being studied in English language arts.


Examine personal knowledge of and experiences related to a topic to determine information needs.


Formulate a variety of relevant questions on a topic to establish a purpose for seeking information.


Contribute ideas, knowledge, and questions to help establish group inquiry or research focuses and purposes.


Prepare and use a plan to access ideas and information from a variety of sources (including digital).


Use pre-established criteria to evaluate the currency, usefulness, and reliability of information sources in answering inquiry or research questions.


Locate information using a search engine.


Assess the appropriateness of the amount and quality of information collected.


Recognize and address information gaps for particular audiences and purposes.


Organize new information to reflect the intended purpose and audience.


Use the language of inquiry (e.g., "Where would I find information and ideas about this topic, question, problem, or issue?" "What processes or procedures could I use?" "How will I access these sources or carry out these procedures?").
