Use pragmatic (e.g., function and purpose), textual (e.g., paragraphs), syntactic (e.g., complete sentences with appropriate subordination and modification), semantic/lexical/morphological (e.g., figurative words), graphophonic (e.g., spelling strategies), and other cues (e.g., appropriate volume and intonation) to construct and to communicate meaning. NOTE: Italicized text refers to those indicators that are emphasized at this grade level.
Indicators for this outcome

Pragmatic: Identify and explain function and purpose of texts including informing, persuading, narrating, and describing; use language that demonstrates respect for others; use standard Canadian English that follows accepted rules of usage.


Textual: Understand and use a range of standard forms for texts including paragraphs and multi-paragraph compositions; use a logical sequence for ideas.


Syntactical: Use clear sentence structures that contain a verb and its subject (Average spoken sentence length - 9.5 words; written sentence length - 9.0 words); combine closely related ideas into compound structures using conjunctions or joining words; use complete sentences with appropriate subordination and modification; vary sentence beginnings; ensure agreement of subject, verbs, and pronouns; use correct verb forms (e.g., "I have seen..."); use effective punctuation and capitalization including periods, commas, quotation marks, colons, dash, and hyphens.


Semantic/Lexical/Morphological: Use words that are appropriate for audience, purpose, and context; avoid overused and misused words (e.g., "really good"); use reference tools to determine meaning of words; use words figuratively (e.g., personification, similes, and metaphors) and for imagery; correctly spell common words; use Canadian spelling; use a variety of strategies and resources to learn the correct spelling of words.


Graphophonic: Clearly enunciate and carefully, and correctly pronounce words; utilize spelling rules and strategies to correctly spell appropriate words.


Other Cues: Use appropriate volume and intonation; use appropriate non-verbal cues and body language; use appropriate gestures, facial expressions, sounds, visuals, and multimedia aids to enhance presentation; use printing (e.g., for labels on a map) and cursive writing (e.g., for writing a report) appropriate to purpose; write legibly with appropriate speed and control; choose appropriate font size and style when using technology.
