Read grade 6 appropriate texts to increase fluency (120-160 wcpm orally; 160-210 silently) and expression.
Indicators for this outcome

Display active reading behaviours including preparing to read; considering appropriate rate (e.g., skim, scan, or read carefully) according to purpose; asking questions (e.g., Who? What? Where? When? How? How do I feel about what I am reading? If I were this character, what would I do? What does the author really mean by this?); rereading to clarify understanding when necessary.


Read for a variety of purposes including to gather information, to follow directions, to form an opinion, to understand information, and to enjoy and appreciate ideas and craft.


Read and comprehend a range of contemporary and traditional texts appropriate to interests and learning needs.


Read and demonstrate comprehension and interpretation of a range of grade-level-appropriate texts in a variety of genres and from different cultural traditions.


Recognize the author's use of language (formal, informal, slang) and techniques (e.g., foreshadowing).


Determine whether fact or opinion is being presented.


Identify point of view in narrative (i.e., first person, second person, third person).


Analyze and evaluate what is read.


Draw conclusions about author's message, values, and craft.


Read orally and silently Grade 6 appropriate texts to increase fluency and expression.
