Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore:
  • identity (e.g., Expressing Myself)
  • community (e.g., Celebrating and Honouring Others)
  • social responsibility (e.g., Within My Circle) through personal experiences and inquiry.
Indicators for this outcome

Create spoken, written, and other representations that include:

  • a specific message
  • a coherent organization of ideas
  • ideas and information which are clear and complete
  • appropriate use of language and conventions.

Compose and communicate findings and conclusions about problems, questions, or issues in a clear visual, oral, and written format.


Use inquiry to explore authentic problems, questions, and issues associated with identity, community, and social responsibility including:

  • asking general and specific inquiry questions on topics using predetermined categories
  • recording, selecting, and sharing relevant personal knowledge and understanding of a topic or questions and considering purpose for individual and group inquiry or research
  • selecting and using a plan for gathering ideas and information
  • assessing the usefulness, authenticity, and reliability of information for inquiry or research needs using pre-established criteria
  • using a variety of tools (including indices, maps, atlases, charts, electronic sources) and resources to access ideas and information
  • organizing ideas and information in logical sequences
  • making notes and citing authors and titles of sources alphabetically
  • examining collected information to identify categories or aspects of a topic that need more research
  • sharing findings and conclusions in a clear visual, oral, and written format
  • using the language of inquiry (e.g., "I want to know if ...", "I wonder about ...").
Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health a...
(More information)
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019