Write to communicate ideas, information, and experiences pertaining to a topic by creating easy-to-follow writing (including a short report, a procedure, a letter, a story, a short script, and a poem) with a clear purpose, correct paragraph structure, and interesting detail.
Indicators for this outcome

Work through the stages of a writing process (e.g., pre-writing, drafting, revising selected draft material, sharing) and begin to write for extended periods of time.


Select and use appropriate strategies (before, during, and after) to communicate meaning when writing.


Understand and apply the suitable pragmatic, textual, syntactical, semantic/lexical/morphological, graphophonic, and other cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning when writing.


Write compositions (e.g., three-paragraph reports) that describe and explain familiar objects, events, and experiences.


Write narratives that provide a context within which an action takes place and includes characters and their traits, setting, and problem and solution in students' stories.


Create characters and events from outside students' personal environment.


Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details.


Begin to use excitement, humour, suspense, and other creative devices.


Write personal letters, thank-you notes, invitations, and logs.


Extend, rework, and polish pieces of writing for an audience in and beyond the classroom.
