Listen to and understand information, identify main ideas and supporting details, compare different ideas and points of view, and explain connections made between texts heard.
Indicators for this outcome

Listen to a short presentation and make some notes.


Select and use appropriate strategies (before, during, and after) to construct and confirm meaning when listening.


Understand and apply the suitable pragmatic, textual, syntactical, semantic/lexical/morphological, graphophonic, and other cues and conventions to construct and confirm meaning when listening.


Follow multi-step directions independently.


Distinguish between speaker's opinions and verifiable fact.


Identify and explain what peers said about a particular text or subject.


Retell, paraphrase, and explain what a speaker said (including Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and community members).


Identify simple poetic effects in oral language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia and alliteration).


Listen attentively and courteously to each other in discussions and to guest speakers; show respect for the ideas, language, and communication styles of others; and give sensitive and thoughtful responses.

Circle of Life Set 4. Single Copy Set
The Circle of Life set contains eight books that present First Nations cultures, traditional knowledge and worldviews. The books are intended to support guided reading at levels N-P. Titles in the set include Grandma Ida’s Garden; Sunday Night Social; The Three Sisters; Weaving Tradition; Wearing Treasures; Dolls, Cobs, and Kernels; The Wisdom Keeper; and Snow Snake. Each of the books has a lesson card with before, during and after reading activities. The teacher support disc contains the electronic book version with audio of each story, an image bank of the illustrations, 8 modifiable blackline masters and three videos to support professional development featuring a First Nations Elder.
(More information)
•  Circle of Life Set 4. Dolls, Cobs, and Kernels (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 4. Grandma Ida's Garden (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 4. Snowsnake (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 4. Sunday Night Social (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 4. The Three Sisters (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 4. The Wisdom Keeper (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 4. Wearing Treasures (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 4. Weaving Tradition (6-pack)
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $91.95
Record posted/updated: January 5, 2022