Investigate and demonstrate the personal qualities and abilities needed to seek, obtain, or create work.
Indicators for this outcome

Identify work search tools required to secure work such as applications, portfolios, résumés, and cover letters


Identify how career development is a continuous process with a series of choices based on a number of factors such as interests, knowledge, skills, physical ability, and experiences


Compare advantages and disadvantages of secondary and post-secondary programs for the attainment of career goals including university, college, apprenticeship, and entrepreneurship


Reflect on and express personal reflections about "The High Five" messages of career development (i.e., Follow your heart; Access your allies; Change is constant; Learning is lifelong; and Focus on the journey)


Explore and discuss the concept of a preferred future as part of the life and work building process


Define one's preferred future and communicate it through creation of a visual representation using various media (e.g., presentation software, digital video, desktop publishing, web authoring)

Job Interview Secrets
This 17 minute game-show style program breaks down the challenging experience of the job interview into easily understood aspects. Topics include conducting a pre-interview research, forming a positive first impression and answering difficult questions. This program supports student inquiry and understanding of individual qualities and strategies in seeking, obtaining and creating work.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $129.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018