Promote sustainable well-being by planning for and engaging in movement activities, alone and with others, that enhance the health-related (i.e., cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and body composition) and skill-related (i.e., power, agility, speed, reaction time, balance, and co-ordination) components of fitness.
Indicators for this outcome

Engage in, document, and analyze fitness benefits and sustainability potential of participation in 30 minutes of daily moderate to vigorous physical activity outside of class time over a four-week period.


Investigate opportunities (e.g. walking/running groups, recreation centres, green spaces, on-line opportunities) for engagement in movement activities for sustainable well-being at school, at home, and in the community.


Examine how technology (e.g., heart rate monitor, pedometer, fitness software, technological applications) may enhance and support one's health-related and skill-related components of fitness.


Create and justify the importance of the health-related and skill- related components of fitness (e.g., Is balance more important than muscular strength?).


Create and participate in a two-week cost-free FITT (i.e., Frequency, Intensity, Type of Activity, Time) plan that enhances all of the components of both health-related and skill-related fitness.


Investigate and evaluate, through participation in, a student selected pre-made fitness work-out.


Analyze the potential for preferred movement activities and achieved engagement level in those activities that may promote sustainable well-being and lifelong involvement.


Explain the direct correlation between committed engagement in cardiovascular endurance activities and calorie-burning potential.


Create and engage others in a fitness workout using items (e.g., towels, books, cans, rocks) and chores (e.g., sweeping, vacuuming, shoveling) and responsibilities (e.g., babysitting, walking pets) commonly found in and around the home and/community.


Examine factors (e.g., determinants of health, body composition, mental wellness, social wellness) that have an impact on one's commitment to achieving and maintaining recommended standards for health-related and skill-related components of fitness.


Evaluate fitness and activity guidelines and/or standards set by different agencies, organizations, or governments (including other countries) to determine suitability for self and community (e.g., Public Health Agency of Canada, ParticipACTION, Saskatchewan in motion, US Department of Health and Human Services, World Health Organization).


Discuss why scientifically-based measures (e.g., skin-fold tests, BMI) used to determine body composition are not always accurate, effective, or complete indicators of physical fitness and level of well-being.


Examine the pressure and social implications placed on gender related to body composition and participation in movement activities.


Utilize the FITT (i.e., Frequency, Intensity, Type of activity, Time) principle and principles of training (i.e., overload, progressive resistance, specificity, use/disuse) in a plan for health-related and skill-related fitness.


Evaluate, revise, and continue to implement a Personal Plan for Wellness to include setting and achieving personal goals for health-related and skill-related fitness.

Fundamental Movement Skills. Beyond the Fundamentals - A Games Approach: The Building Blocks for the Development of Physical Literacy
This short, spiral-bound resource is based on the physical literacy for life model. The model is intended for educators and emphasizes life-long development of physical literacy with active-for-life as the central aim. The dimensions of a physically literate person include cognitive, motor and affective, and also link health and nature. This resource guides teachers at the secondary level to enable them to plan and deliver quality learning experiences. Part 1 of the resource explains the spo...
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $40.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Transforming Play: Teaching Tactics and Game Sense
This resource provides suggestions and activities for incorporating teaching games for understanding (TGFU) into both physical education curricula and wellness. It can also be integrated into all Kindergarten to Grade 12 subject areas. The activities engage the learner and provide insight into how to use a game sense approach for teaching sports and physical skills. Assessment approaches, a table of contents, a glossary, a reference list and an index are included.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $33.95
Record posted/updated: October 17, 2020
The Great Saskatchewan Bucket List
Robin and Arlene Karpan travel to almost every corner of Saskatchewan to experience 50 of Saskatchewan's natural wonders. Several references are made to First Nations, Métis, and European history and background, and its significance. The information is relevant to students no matter where they live in the province as it is local and provide opportunities for those with interests in hiking, camping, nature, geography and learning about the province. The Great Saskatchewan Bucket List include...
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $19.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Healthy Active Living: Keep Fit, Stay Healthy, Have Fun
This book describes basic skills and tactics for movement activities and sports including invasion and/or territory games, net and/or wall games, striking and/or fielding games, target games and outdoor activities. Included are body management activities such as track and field, dance, yoga, aerobics and gymnastics. The resource describes how to set and achieve fitness goals. "FITT" stands for frequency, intensity, time and type of activity and the the "FITT Formula" assists students in dete...
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $76.95
Record posted/updated: October 14, 2020
Shredded is about a group of teenage boys who want to transform their bodies so they become 'shredded' like the muscular bodies of their media heroes. The film reveals the risks they're willing to take to achieve the ideal male shape, exploring supplement use and the temptations of steroids. With frank honesty, the boys relate their experiences, desires and motivations to the audience, who must draw their own conclusions. This documentary is designed to provoke discussion among teenagers - b...
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 5, 2018
Anatomy. Functional Body Systems
This program investigates the major body systems involved during physical activity including the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. It examines each of these systems, their parts, their functions and how they work. It also explores the contribution and interaction of the systems when we exercise and while we are rest. This program emphasizes the benefit of exercise to every body system. There is also mention of the ill effects of smoking on the respiratory sy...
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $149.00
Record posted/updated: January 4, 2019
Canadian Active Living Fitness Circuit Charts. Secondary Set: A Classroom Resource Kit for Teachers
There are 42 laminated charts from the Secondary Schools Series to assist teachers and students with whole-body training. Two cards provide front and back views of the muscular and skeletal systems. The other 40 cards outline activities. Each activity card has the title of the activity, which muscle groups are being worked, instructions on how to perform the activity, and safety tips. A teacher manual accompanies the cards and provides information on equipment that is required, fitness circui...
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Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $225.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Brain Gains: Better Grades Through Fitness
The National visits an inner city high school in Saskatoon, SK, where teacher Allison Cameron tests the theory that vigorous daily exercise improves academic performance. City Park Collegiate is considered a high school of last resort for kids who haven't been able to make it anywhere else. The Grade 8 and 9 students contend with a wide range of behavioural problems: almost half are diagnosed with ADHD and many work at a Grade 4 level. When Allison came across groundbreaking research by Harva...
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 23, 2018
How Healthy are Canadians?
A recent poll showed that many Canadians are not as healthy as they think they are. They eat too much of the wrong foods, they don't exercise enough and a sizable majority complain about being tired all the time. This program examines these lifestyle problems and examines ways we can live healthier and more active lives. A teacher's guide is available.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Pedometer Power: Using Pedometers in School and Community (2nd ed.)
The author encourages the use of pedometers within schools and outside of schools so that students will gain a realistic, deeper understanding of their own level of activity and become physically active at all times of the day. The book presents information on funding, purchasing, managing and using pedometers in physical education. The pedometer activities are classified into elementary and secondary levels and teachers are given ideas for guiding students to set personal activity goals.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $34.95
Record posted/updated: October 17, 2020
Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Activity (3rd ed.)
This revised version offers practical, well-tested suggestions for teaching personal and social responsibility (TPSR) via physical activity. This resource will assist teachers in helping their students to develop character qualities that will contribute to their growth towards becoming responsible, caring citizens. Interspersed throughout the chapters are vignettes that were written by TPSR instructors in various settings. Although published in the United States, the book highlights the Unive...
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $48.95
Record posted/updated: October 17, 2020