Explore and perform rhythmical movement to different auditory (e.g., beat of a drum, clapping, music) rhythms (e.g., quick, slow) using a variety of locomotor movements including walking, running, balancing, jumping, galloping, hopping, and skipping skills.
Indicators for this outcome

Move in personal space and through general space to the beat of a drum and to clapped patterns, using a variety of movement skills (e.g., walking, running), movement efforts (e.g., quickly, slowly, lightly, heavily), and movement relationships (e.g., `tall' body, `small' body, `wiggly' body).


Move to music adjusting the speed of movement in time to the rhythm of the music and the intensity of the sound.


Move body in time to the beat of the music while keeping feet in one spot and remaining balanced (e.g., move arms only, move hips only, bend up and down at the knees).


Follow rhythmical movements led by others.


Lead others in rhythmical movement, both while remaining in personal space and while moving through general space.


Create and share simple movement sequences or movement stories (e.g., the squirrel jumps out of the tree, scurries through the grass, and shakes while hiding in a big, hollow log).
