Explore and practise ways to send and receive objects at an exploration level when:
  • throwing (rolling)
  • catching (trapping, gathering)
  • kicking.
Indicators for this outcome

Explore and share ways to send (throw and roll) a small soft object (e.g., yarn ball, hackey-sack, beanbag) at a wall, and over and under objects (e.g., a chair, a bench), varying distance from the fall or object, using two hands, and using each hand separately.


Explore and share ways to send (throw and roll) a variety of small balls and bean bags at targets (that the ball will not bounce off) from close distances, using each hand separately and both hands together.


Explore and share ideas about how to throw and catch (gather) a variety of objects, including balls, bean bags, scarves, and balloons, both overhand and underhand, using each hand separately and both hands together.


Explore throwing and catching one or more scarves, underhand and overhand, using each hand separately and both hands together.


Repeat performance words (e.g., "look at the ball", "step forward") to demonstrate the use of performance cues language related to send and receive objects.


Drop and try to catch a ball using each hand separately and both hands together.


Practise trapping and gathering (stopping with hands or feet, and picking up with hands) balls that are rolling on the ground using one hand, two hands, and one foot and two hands.


Practise kicking beanbags and a variety of balls, using each foot.


Practise kicking a stationary ball forward while in a stationary position, using each foot separately.


Explore and describe what happens when a ball is contacted with different parts of the foot when trying to kick it.


Explore and discuss ways to approach and kick a stationary ball forward, using each foot separately.


Explore sending objects (e.g., balloons, balls of various sizes) using various body parts such as arms, legs, and head.


Share discoveries of how the movement of an object changes when the skill is performed differently (e.g., kick a ball with the toes, and then kick it with the inside of the foot; throw a ball with the arm moving closer to the body and then with the arm moving far away from the body).


Use a variety of manipulative skills when playing simple co-operative movement activities and games.
