Explore and practise ways to move the body in personal space at a progressing-towards-control level of skill when:
  • balancing
  • jumping and landing (on the spot).
Note: Kindergarten children might attempt to roll when they are exploring movement, although rolling is not part of the Kindergarten curriculum. Descriptors of how to roll safely are provided in the Grade 2 and Grade 3 physical education curricula.
Indicators for this outcome

Repeat performance words (e.g., "reach arms forward", "bend knees to soften landing") to demonstrate the use of performance cues language related to non-locomotor skills.


Explore and discuss what it means to jump straight up and land in control (e.g., `motor-cycle riding' position).


Explore shifting (transferring) weight from one foot to the other, trying to stay in control (in balance).


Practise jumping straight up and land following given instructions (e.g., jump off two feet and land on two feet).


Practise jumping straight up and try to touch imaginary objects that are high in the sky and then try to land without falling do


Create and share various ways to `freeze' (balance) on the spot.


Practise balancing in different body shapes, both self-created and given (e.g., balance creating a wide body shape; balance being as narrow as you can; balance in a twisted body shape).


Practise trying to maintain balance on two feet, close together, shoulder width apart, and wide apart, when signalled to do so after moving on the spot (e.g., wiggling, twisting).


Use a variety of non-locomotor skills when playing simple co-operative movement activities and games.
