Explore and practise ways to move the body through space, including at:
  • a progressing-toward-control level of skill when:
    • walking
    • running
    • jumping forward and sideways
  • an exploration level when:
    • hopping (body moves on one foot as in right foot to right foot)
    • skipping (combines a step and a hop)
    • leaping (body `takes off' from one foot, propels through air for distance, then lands on the opposite foot)
    • sliding (one foot steps and the other moves to meet the first foot, "step-close")
    • galloping (one foot steps, body propels upward, other foot moves to meet the first foot).
  • Indicators for this outcome

    Explore and share ways to move the body through space (e.g., crawl slowly, hop quickly, run sneakily like a weasel, pounce like a cat, leap like a ballerina, gallop like a horse).


    Explore moving in response to locomotor vocabulary (e.g., hop, leap, slide, jump, skip, sneak, tiptoe, dash).


    Respond physically to verbal prompts of travelling skill named by others (e.g., hop, leap, jump).


    Imitate the locomotor movements of others (e.g., copy actions made by others, follow-the-leader).


    Repeat performance words (e.g., "arms close to side", "knees bend a little bit") to demonstrate use of performance cues language related to locomotor skills.


    Explore ways to vary locomotor skills and share with others (e.g., "How can you move across the gym quickly?"; "What might you look like if you were moving like a horse?").


    Travel as instructed (e.g., walking quickly forward, leap from right foot to left foot, slide on a line) on signal, and try to stop smoothly on signal.


    Move between objects (e.g., ropes laid out to create pathways) and through obstacle courses using a variety of locomotor skills.


    Use a variety of locomotor skills when playing simple co-operative movement activities and games.

    This playful, informational book introduces several of the ways that animals move. For example, penguins waddle, polar bears float, arctic hares run and blue whales swim. Move! provides basic information about each of the animals presented such as motion, size, habitats and food. The colourful, texture-rich collage art is highly appealing.
    Media and Formats : Book
    Price : $24.99
    Record posted/updated: December 6, 2018