Perform language functions that allow them to produce communication.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) perience, event or situation with supporting detail; e.g., life on the trapline, prepare wild game, setting a fishnet, or educational experiences
(b) gives a set of instructions with appropriate sequence, rules, conditions and imperatives, such as how to make jam using blueberries or raspberries, or how to clean and tan a moose hide
(c) discusses options using words for possibility, comparison, contrast and cause; e.g., compare and contrast artwork done by Saskatchewan artists, or discuss the pros and cons of living in the city
How to Say It in Cree. Plains Cree (Y)
This book provides Plains Cree (“Y dialect”) words and activity prompts on a variety of topics. It provides many examples of popular themes that may be used in everyday discussion. A glossary provides English to Cree translations.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.00
Record posted/updated: July 19, 2021
Nehiyawetan (Let's Speak Cree) Series
Nehiyawetan: Let’s Speak Cree invites children to learn Cree with Kai, Kayla, and Auntie Josephine though kinetic games, stories, songs and adventures.
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 1. Review
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 10. Music
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 11. Scary Stuff
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 12. Coyotes in the City
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 13. Pow-Wow
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 2. Storytelling
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 3. Sports
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 4. Canoeing in the City
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 5. Making Art
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 6. Theatre
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 7. Being Healthy
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 8. Winter Solstice
•  Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 9. Sun, Moon, Stars
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $1200 (full season, includes 13 episodes)
Record posted/updated: July 25, 2022