Identify and analyze personal perspectives on how to manage the contemporary opportunities and challenges that influence one's ability to develop as a skillful mover, to live a balanced, active lifestyle, and to develop and maintain safe and respectful relationships.
Indicators for this outcome

Identify and analyze personal perspectives on how to manage the contemporary opportunities and challenges that influence one's ability to develop as a skillful mover, to live a balanced, active lifestyle, and to develop and maintain safe and respectful relationships.Explore and discuss contemporary opportunities and challenges (e.g., medical advances to repair injuries, performance-enhancing drug use) that can influence personal standards and decisions related to participation in movement activities on a regular basis.


Propose and discuss connections between the types and levels of participation of self and others in movement activities (e.g., professional and amateur sport options; sport participation opportunities for women, minorities, and those with disabilities; physical education, fitness, and training; major national and international sporting competitions).


Express insights on how Canada's success (or lack of) at World level athletic competitions impacts movement activity options at the provincial and local level (e.g., financial support for elite athletes versus financial support for physical activity options for all; emphasis on high performance training versus participation in a variety of movement activities; and emphasis on competition versus cooperative and social interaction).


Express insights in response to questions such as "Has society gone too far in its concern for safety and desire to protect children and youth from injury?" and "Is there a role for government to play in controlling the activity levels of its citizens?"

Chiefs and Champions Series
This series looks at First Nations athletes in Canada. In addition to being athletes, many became leaders in their communities as well as advocates and role models on international levels.
•  Alwyn Morris. Kayaking
•  Angela Chalmers. Distance Runner
•  Billy Two Rivers. Wrestling
•  Chief Roger Adolph. Boxing
•  Darren Zack. Fastpitch Softball
•  Fred Sasakamoose. Hockey
•  Gino Odjick. Hockey
•  Richard Peter. Wheelchair Basketball
•  Ross Powless. Lacrosse
•  Sharon and Shirley Firth. Skating
•  Tom Longboat. Distance Runner
•  Waneek Horn-Miller. Water Polo
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $1,800.00 (complete series)
Record posted/updated: September 20, 2021