Demonstrate an understanding of and incorporate positive social behaviours into all aspects of personal involvement in movement activities, in the context of both a participant and a spectator, after examining the positive and negative influences of organized sports, movement competitions (e.g., dance competition), and mass media on the social behaviour of self and others.
Indicators for this outcome

Analyze the impact that various issues associated with participation in sport have on society in general, and personal social behaviours specifically, including but not limited to violence and aggression in sport by athlete and spectators, abuse of officials, drug use including steroids and intravenous drugs, tobacco and alcohol sponsorship, and gambling.


Debate issues related to participation in movement activities (e.g., keeping accurate score in golf according to the rules, calling the boundaries correctly in badminton, acceptance of people of all body types in dance) that reflect individual standards for acceptable behaviour in social situations.


Describe the characteristics of specific positive role models, locally, provincially, and globally, who are involved in movement activities.


Demonstrate a personal commitment to positive social behaviour while participating in and watching movement activities.


Present personal reflective opinions on highly publicized ethical controversies (e.g., steroid use by professional athletes, criminal charges against athletes as the result of actions during sporting competitions, fan abuse of or attacks on athletes and/or officials, gambling related inappropriate behaviours of athletes and/or officials) that have influenced societal thinking regarding social behaviour related to movement activities.


Express insights in response to questions such as "Why is there a shortage of minor officials and coaches in almost all sports played in Saskatchewan?" and "Do I ever do anything that would make someone else want to quit being involved in movement activities?"


Create a personal "Code of Ethics" for acceptable social behaviour related to participation in sport.

Opportunities to Address Substance Misuse in Curriculum
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators are noted.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 18, 2019